Oscar Silvestre Filho
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Field of Business

Business Law

Business Law is the area of private law responsible for protecting the interests of companies and entrepreneurs. The goal is stabilishing safe relationship between entrepreneurs and their partners, third parties, brands, patents, among others. Furthermore, it concernes with early analysis of the business and preventive actions to avoid possible problems for customers.

Competition Law

It is the branch of law that develops compliance programs to prevent anti-competitive conduct and provides guidance on best competition practices for companies in all sectors and trade associations. Another important activity is internal investigation, wich aims to identify areas of exposure and risk.

Medical Law

Medical law addresses situations related to the medical profession, such as doctor-patient relationships. Additionally, other areas of healthcare are supported, including nurses, pharmacists, psychologists, dentists, and administrators of clinics and hospitals.


It is the field of law that takes care of normative guidelines and rules in relation to federal laws or corporate policies. It provides security and minimize risks for institutions and companies, ensuring compliance with acts, regulations, norms and laws established internally and externally.


It is the branch of law wich concernes with business practices that prioritize sustainability, social responsibility and transparency. This concept is being adopted by companies seeking sustainable development and value generation. The proposal is to evaluate the performance of organizations not only from the perspective of financial return, but also based on their environmental, social and governance impacts.


If your company has a major challenge, it is important to develop effective and legally sound strategy to overcome it. If you act intelligently and responsibly, challenges will become new business opportunitiy.

Contract Law

Contract law is the area of law that defines the rules and principles governing contracts, seeking to ensure that contractual relationships remain within the boundaries of legality.

Family and Succession Law

Family and succession law encompasses issues related to divorce, inheritance, wills, guardianship, parentage, legacy, and more.

Civil Law

This branch of law regulates legal relationships between individuals and companies, establishing rights and obligations for both parties, aiming to discipline coexistence in society.

Real State Law

Real estate law handles legal relationships involving property ownership, rentals, possession, property usage, adverse possession, compulsory acquisition, notarial deeds, registration, and more.

Payment Orders (Precatórios)

Precatórios are court-issued payment orders directed to municipalities, states, or the Union to collect amounts from definitive legal rulings.

Consumer Law

This branch of law regulates the relationships between suppliers and consumers in the acquisition of products and services, ensuring the protection of consumer rights.

Banking Law and Financial Market

It is the branch of law that develops skills and competence on advising operations with complex and highly structured derivative. Includes representation of insurance companies, banks, fund managers, investors, as well as legal protection for a variety of derivative products such as commodities, currency, interest rate debt and equity and derivative funds. This activity covers the defense and prevention of administrative proceedings Federal Reserve Boar or equivalent, as well as representation of executives in civil liability actions relevant to banking operation

“Businesspeople and executives are disoriented, distressed and exhausted by aggressive goals, fierce competition, frequent crises and an increasingly hostile market. They feel so pressured and helpless that they often doubt that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. In moments like this, discovering that other people have experienced similar problems and emerged victorious serves as encouragement. Knowing that established companies were once small, fragile and problematic helps us understand that everyone goes through difficult. Finally, concluding that suffering can be an ally on the path to success is highly revealing.”
  • “Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
    Arthur Schopenhauer
  • “If you must play, decide on three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time.”
    Chinese proverb
  • “I not only use all the brains that I have, but all I can borrow.”
    Woodrow Wilson
  • “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
    Peter Drucker

About Me

Elected outstanding business lawyer in 2023 and 2024.
Oscar Silvestre Filho

“I aim the impossible, where there is no competition.”

Oscar Silvestre Filho

Oscar Silvestre Filho

Lawyer and Legal Consultant

Post-Doctorate in International Law from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS)

PhD in International Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP)

Professor of International Law (Undergraduate, Masters and PhD) at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP) and Business and Corporate Law

Specialist in Civil Law and Civil Procedure from Law School Paulista (EPD).

Specialist in Banking and Financial Market Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC/MG).

Evaluator of the Brazilian Law Magazine (RDB) – (QUALIS A1)

Author of the work “Globalization and Environmental Human Rights” (EDUC/PUC-SP Publisher)

Associate Member and Evaluator of the National Council for Research and Postgraduate Studies in Law (CONPEDI).

Lawyer, researcher, reviewer and consultant for companies in Brazil and abroad (USA, Canada, England, India and China)

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Telephone/WhatsApp Business: 55 + (19) 3342-9292



Rua Maria Monteiro, 830, 1º andar, Cj.14, Edifício Office Park

Cambuí - CEP: 13.025-151


Hours: Monday to Friday, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M

Oscar Silvestre Filho